MOOC or Massive Open Online Course is a groundbreaking methodology in learning. For the uninitiated, MOOC is a free mode of education. Some of the world’s top universities offer their courses online, aiming at unlimited participation and open access via the internet. Pursuing a MOOC helps you in multiple ways. You may expand your skill set and become more employable or complete your education in case you had to leave it mid-way.
The challenge is to choose from the thousands of alluring courses available – different subjects and attractive university affiliations. What is a good place to begin, you might ask?
You’ve certainly come to the right place. Read on to find out how to get the most out of MOOC.
Start by narrowing down on your field of choice. What kind of job do you want? List your options in the order of your priorities and choose your MOOC on the basis of your favorite employment industry. If you have a dream job in mind – it would help to go through the job description and pick out the specifications required for you to qualify for the post. These could be things completely new to your profile or old skills that need some sharpening. Your profile gets a makeover with MOOC and you’ll see your level of confidence in your expertise rise exponentially.
While doing your research, make sure you choose reliable websites to collect your knowledge material. The most respectable websites for MOOC are Coursera, Udacity, edX etc.
You’ll find relevant information on these websites as per your preferences. E.g. a site like Coursera caters towards the professional development of teachers more acutely. It also has a wide variety of courses available for people with other interests, hence the popularity.
edX, on the other hand, focuses well on areas such as science, technology, and medicine.
Udacity is your goto website for courses on computer science, programming, and math.
If you have a more specialized field of study in mind – it’s recommended that you explore a MOOC search engine such as MOOCSE, Class Central or MOOCTIVITY. They have special filtering functions that help you in arriving at the exact courses you are looking for.
Finally, you must know that there is an overwhelming number of possibilities available for you. But if you work smartly, you’ll be more excited than overwhelmed. Staying focussed on your professional goals will help you immensely. MOOC is a vast universe of free education at your disposal – it is a blessing for anyone looking to expand their horizons both personally and professionally.
Here’s wishing you good luck with your new and improved journey towards being a sought after professional in your field of work!
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