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Career Resources

HACKS: Improve your productivity while hunting for a job

Most people don’t come from high born families that can be employed with nepotism. That is why searching for the right job is crucial. Though looking for a job might not always be the most...

Interview Tips


The art of self-promotion without seeming arrogant

Working hard is crucial to promoting your career. At the same time, one must talk enough about their good qualities in order to not go...

How To Successfully Change Careers

Changing careers can be scary and difficult. In some ways, you may feel like you are throwing away all the hard work you have invested...

How to Ace Business Meetings

Business meetings are an important part of conducting business, and most companies rely on these meetings to discuss strategy and check-in with other departments. Failure...

Online Education: All You Need To Know

A college education is a sure shot way to achieve your dreams. The future of America depends on the quality of education its youth has...

Top Habits of Savvy Money Experts

Do you know someone whose life seems so financially stable even if they don’t make a ton of money? Do you often wonder how they...

Getting Back Into The Workforce After Raising a Family

Many women leave the workforce at some point in their career to focus on raising their children. When the children are grown and the time...

13 Easy Ways That Help Pay The Rent

We have all been there. It’s time to pay rent and you just don’t have the money. You had a lot of unexpected expenses this...

Here’s how you could seem immature at work

As children, we never really had the social skills to evaluate our actions or emotions. Virtues like maturity and patience begin to develop as we...

Follow-Ups: A Thank-you Note Can Make All The Difference

“Did you send a thank-you letter?” This is one of the first questions a job or career coach will ask their client after their hiring interview-...

Get Hired: Why It’s Important To Proof Check Your Resume

Most companies are looking for candidates who can get a job done well. If you can’t even get your resume to look perfect, how are...

Are you being underpaid?

You’ve been working in your current position for a few years, and you know your stuff. With your background and education, you feel like you...

Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) Is Changing The Way We Learn

MOOC or Massive Open Online Course is a groundbreaking methodology in learning. For the uninitiated, MOOC is a free mode of education. Some of the...