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How To Expand & Use Your Network Effectively
Older workers often have an advantage over younger workers when it comes to applying for jobs. You may not have even thought about the value of the relationships that you have built throughout your career,...
The Need To Market Yourself For Employability
When you’re on a job hunt, you need to consider yourself as a product or service that you want people to know about. You can...
13 Easy Ways That Help Pay The Rent
We have all been there. It’s time to pay rent and you just don’t have the money. You had a lot of unexpected expenses this...
How To Expand & Use Your Network Effectively
Older workers often have an advantage over younger workers when it comes to applying for jobs. You may not have even thought about the value...
Get the most you can: Tips on Salary Negotiation
Today’s tight labor market is essentially the job seeker’s market- having the upper hand indicates a better opportunity to negotiate your salary successfully. Often, employers...
Top Habits of Savvy Money Experts
Do you know someone whose life seems so financially stable even if they don’t make a ton of money? Do you often wonder how they...
Don’t let these 5 errors hurt your chances of hearing ‘You’re hired’!
Being self-assured is one thing, but being overconfident could sometimes cause you to make mistakes and lose out on what you want. Even when job...
What Not to Wear to an Interview
Although your style of dress says nothing about your credentials as an employee, what you wear to an interview is very important. When you walk...
Follow-Ups: A Thank-you Note Can Make All The Difference
“Did you send a thank-you letter?”
This is one of the first questions a job or career coach will ask their client after their hiring interview-...
Here’s how you could seem immature at work
As children, we never really had the social skills to evaluate our actions or emotions. Virtues like maturity and patience begin to develop as we...
Resume Basics: 6 Things to Leave Off It
A resume is the perfect opportunity to showcase your experience, skills, education, and much more, but some people can get so carried away trying to...
How to Be a Great Team Member
Many people think that your career path is supposed to lead you to a leadership role eventually. You might think that you need to develop...
Work-Life Balance & How To Achieve It!
The best things in life come to those who plan. Nothing good ever comes easy.
It’s no surprise that most hardworking Americans find it difficult to...